There is Safety in Numbers…

There is Safety in Numbers…

At some point in your life, you have probably been made aware that “there is safety in numbers”. There is a common notion that the perceived risk or harm to a person is lessened when you operate in a group-as opposed to operating as an individual. For instance, in grade school, maybe you were probably taught to use the “buddy system” when traveling to and from school, or while away from school on a field trip. The premise is that being a part of a group makes you less likely to experience harm and makes you more confident to take action when necessary. You may have even been taught to hold hands to exemplify such unity. There are times in adulthood when we should revert back to the safety and power of a group. And for female breadwinners, I believe that this is one of those times.

Do you recognize that based on most recent statistics, nearly 30% or more of American relationships contain a woman as the higher earner? This new trend is slowly, but surely, changing the culture of male-female relationships in America and abroad. But unfortunately, many female breadwinners and their mates are still too ashamed, embarrassed, or shy to open up about their circumstance to others. So, we each choose to operate as individuals, up against a circumstance that can feel quite alienating and frustrating. Whether we like it or not, we are a part of a new custom in romantic relationships- the female breadwinner. But how can we maximize our existence within the context of a new custom, if we don’t begin to share and learn from one another’s experiences?

My belief, as a female breadwinner, is that there is no time like the present to revert back to that buddy system that we relied upon so heavily as adolescents and young adults. The premise that there is safety in numbers remains as true today as it was then- particularly for female breadwinners. Despite our increasing presence in a modern society, the female breadwinner is as elusive as the four-leaf clover. Once we step out from the shadows and introduce ourselves to the world, we will recognize the wealth of knowledge, advice, and experiences that we share among us. Once we learn to trust in and lean on one another, we can catapult ourselves to greatness in our relationships and personal lives. Although, we may only have the luxury of “holding hands” figuratively in this vast world, the sentiment is unchanged. There is indeed safety in numbers. The practice of UNITY among female breadwinners will aid in the successful ushering of a new custom into the world!